Monday, October 1, 2007

Chris Crocker - "Leave Britney Alone" Video

If you haven't seen it yet, here is the YouTube link to the fanatical tirade by one Britney Spears fan, Chris Crocker, over her recent media coverage:

"Leave Britney Alone" - Chris Crocker.

As you can see it has become the talk of the internet and late night tv. It has also sparked some ingenious and funny video respones which I've posted below.

"Britney Spears Cry Baby"

"Leave Britney Alone REMIX"

"Leave Chris Crocker Alone!" - Seth Green

"Britney, Leave Me Alone!" Perez Hilton

And in fairness to Mr. Crocker a link to his response to FOX News and it's coverage of his popular and much talked about video appears below. Let it not be said we didn't present both sides.